The Journey

Established in 2015, CricketPRO, an online boutique store hailing from Cape Town, South Africa and pioneering the only Players Rewards Program in the game of cricket.

Meet Steven Heuvel, the visionary entrepreneur from Cape Town who has revolutionized the game of cricket with his brainchild, CricketPRO Rewards System. A cricket specialist and digital marketer with over 17 years of Industry knowledge and a playing career spanning across two decades.


His notable achievements in the game are representing Western Province at youth levels & the South Africa u/19 Country Districts in 2002, after a National week batting average of 106.5 and a bowling average of 8.75. His senior career in the WPCA Premier Division saw him win multiple League Titles, back-to-back Limited-Overs Titles and participation at the National Club Cricket Champs with numerous personal accolades along the way like Player Of The Year, Sportsman Of The Year, MVP, Leading Wicket-Taker, Best Batsman and Best All-Rounder awards from the age of 13 to retirement.

Beyond the boundary lines, Steven emerges as a titan of fitness, transcending the cricket pitch with his unmatched athleticism. A fervent devotee to physical prowess, he reigns supreme, boasting an illustrious collection of fitness accolades. From dominating distance running to setting the standard in push-ups per minute, and conquering the grueling bleep fitness test, Steven stands as a beacon of excellence for cricket players in his era.

Steven Heuvel - Cricket Teams


As a true cricket specialist and trailblazing digital marketer, Steven is revolutionizing the cricket world with his innovative approach and unparalleled dedication to the game.

Regarded as the epitome of cricket experts in the country, Steven has left an indelible mark in the industry, having worked with an impressive roster of over 5000 cricketers which includes First-Class and International Players. Such widespread recognition is a testament to the unwavering trust and reputation he has earned from the South African cricket community. However, before he earned the moniker of “CricketPRO,” Steven’s journey began humbly, spending three formative years in a bat factory affiliated with one of South Africa’s leading local cricket brands. It was within those factory walls that he honed his skills and accumulated an invaluable wealth of knowledge on cricket bats and equipment, laying the groundwork for his illustrious career that would follow.. “I’m always intrigued by the depth of knowledge and passion Steven has for the game, I will chat to him all day about cricket” – Client Review

Steven Heuvel D&P Cricket


In 2008, while working in the dust of a cricket bat factory Heuvel came up with an outrageous idea of bringing cricket retail to social media on Facebook, not an idea supported by the owner at the time. It was however a social platform and very new to South African’s and there were no sports teams and presence of brands on social media at the time, it was not a trusted channel for business practice. Taking a leap of faith into uncharted territory linking business and social media, Steven went ahead in his own private time building a Facebook Group and began networking. After success with leads and conversions he got offered an admin position as Sales Manager and few years down the line a local brand became the leading brand in the country and expanding into the UK. The brand eventually surpassed all major competitors to become the choice brand in South African cricket. Steven’s time at the brand came to an end in 2015 and ventured off with the development of the CricketPRO Store and Member Rewards Program.


Heuvel the Founder of a charity organization in Cape Town, Rise 2 The Challenge went on to compete against 150 contestants from various industries and cultures for the title of Mr. South Africa. Throughout the competition Heuvel ranked in the Top 3 and often Number 1 on the National voting pole due to his story and marketing capabilities. Networking online was one of Steven’s biggest strengths and although against tough competition in a foreign industry, he went all the way to The Top 12 Final Show to compete for the title at Gold Reef City and featured in the first Mr. SA Reality TV Show. Heuvel said, “This part of my life is testament, that even when the odds are stacked against you, hard work, dedication and the power of digital marketing made my story reach many South Africans. I was a total stranger to many of my voters an outsider in the industry with no previous experience in these competitions” 

Steven Heuvel - Mr South Africa


In 2015, right after the Cricket World Cup, South Africa’s hopes of clinching the trophy were dashed by New Zealand in the semi-final, marking what many dubbed as “The End of a Golden Era”. Despite the outcry across various media platforms, little action followed suit. There was a glaring absence of initiatives aimed at enhancing grassroots participation in the sport. Instead, the focus remained on addressing surface-level issues without delving into systemic improvements.

For many years South Africa lacked producing quality International players in their pipeline and the gap between Franchise and International level was broadening. What compounded this was the exodus of many of our top young talent to the UK, AUS and NZ along with political involvement enforcing stricter quota regulations on all Cricket Unions.

“All for the love of the Game”

In his own words – “So during my private time outside of working hours I had the idea of developing a computer program whereby players are monitored and equipped by me.

The idea of a “Membership System” came to mind, whereby a community of passionate cricketers from around the country are gathered. A network where players have access to quality products, mentorship, growth & a blue print towards their success.., all this in a safe online environment for cricketers of all ages… This Network Centre would be called CricketPRO, where players feel appreciated for their efforts and receive the recognition they truly deserve. Motivated to make a difference with no finance and investors, I quit my job and sold our home and funded the vision… Although many players in the program will never see me or know the sacrifices I’ve made, I can only hope they appreciate the system, my time and investments made towards their success.” 

The Program is a global first and Heuvel has big plans of expanding CricketPRO to other parts of the world but first perfecting systems within South Africa. After the recent covid pandemic and social distancing of 2020 the program has grown immensely due to the fact that the communication and mentorship was still there and players had a self-service experience to keep them going while cricket was not being played.


To Parents & Players, South Africa is enriched with an abundance of talent an it’s important that we unearth these diamonds early at grass roots level with the right environments, exposure and opportunity to our private cricketing schools and academies. It’s vitally important that we hold onto our cricketers here in South Africa by making the game more interesting, enjoyable and fair for all.

Drawing from my firsthand experiences as a player, navigating through both the highs and lows, and leveraging my collaborations with some of South Africa’s top cricket talents, I’ve crafted this program as a comprehensive blueprint for you to adopt and follow. *This eliminates human error and discrimination in the sport and solely focuses on performance and merit.

As a young boy growing up in a disadvantaged area, I often wonder how a program like this would have benefited me during my playing days. Access to top-quality equipment was scarce and pricy, the system often overlooked my efforts due to where I came from and the school I attended. However, looking back now.., I realize that my disappointments may have been a blessing in disguise which paved the way for an initiative like CricketPRO, tailor-made to support aspiring players like yourself.

If you are passionate and driven in this sport, regardless of your background or culture, I am eager to join forces with you on your journey. No matter where this path leads, rest assured that it will not only enhance your cricket ability but also enrich your character as a person, preparing you for success beyond the boundary ropes.

Looking forward to partnering with you.”

Best Regards,

Steven Heuvel (Creator & Founder)


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